Monday, October 24, 2011

Praise Him in front of other gods.

I will praise you, LORD, with all my heart; before the “gods” I will sing your praise.—Ps 138:1 NIV

As you know God’s been teaching me to worship and praise this whole month---and wow…so much to share and apply. But I wanted to pass this little bit of learned wisdom from God today.  Read the verse above---it’s very self-explanatory.  God wants our worship and praise to not just be at church or HOP meeting. He wants us to sing His praises in front of others; other gods it says here! What was David doing in front of other gods??  He says he would worship before them too!! Maybe he couldn’t help but be surrounded by false gods.  Today we can’t help but be surrounded by false gods or unbelievers. They are everywhere!! And are we singing His praises in front of them?? Are we worshipping God in front of unbelievers?? This is something I was challenged to!! Imagine if we can’t even step outside the comfort zone at church with worship…well we’re not going to do anything out there!! Worship to God doesn’t just involve and isn’t limited to the church building. Psalms is full of passages that says I will praise God anywhere and everywhere! I will ascribe to Him glory and honor. This means I will attribute many miracles and works to Him.  I will point the finger to Him when I tell people of what I have and receive!! Today while you work, drive, play, rest---worship God. When you’re in the presence of other gods worship God!  When you’re in front of the ones who don’t believe God is good sing His praises!!

This morning I received an unexpected gift from God! I needed a monitor to use at home with a computer that was gifted to me. My boss gave me a brand new monitor that had been gifted to him from someone else he didn’t use…brand new never used! Great way to start the week—God giving me something unexpected but I’m not going to wait for Him to answer or give me to praise Him. My morning started with praises, my night (last night) ended with praises, my week ended and started with praises---don’t wait for answers to praise! Praise Him in the doubt and uncertainty of any situation. Paul and Silas did---so can you!!


Areli shared with me this morning how she awoke to Psalm 16 and I read it right after and check this out vs. 4 (NIV)

Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more. I will not pour out libations of blood to such gods or take up their names on my lips.

Right on with my experience below on previous email.  Not only should I praise in front of other gods but also why even mention their names? That is a form of me worshiping them. We as believers praise movies, actors, sport stars, worldly musicians more than the real God! Why even mention them? Why praise their works. Think about whose works you praise more?? Who do you give more credit to?? That is a form of worship.  Worship the true God.  Some may ask themselves…are we only to talk about God and Godly things?? Ummm…YEAH!!! At least me!! Why? How? It’s that thing called LOVE!!! Its that thing called OBSESSION!!

That’s what the Psalms are about---an magnificent obsession of one man and musicians obsession with the one true God.

Don’t worship the world anymore---enter into a new dimension of worship. One fueled by fasting and prayer and Word!

It’s the only way to stay afloat today!


Iglesia Cristiana Adonai
Generation Glory
Youth Young Adults Leader

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