Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thinking Like Jesus

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;--Phil 2:5-6 NIV

This morning I was able to make a situation better by simply being humble---I didn’t realize it until later in the day it worked to my own advantage.  When I read the passage above I realized,  “hey, these type of outcomes are Biblical—it happened to Jesus.” Humbling himself and being equal to humans worked to “his own advantage.”  Who would have thought? The one thing we oppose and rebel against so much—humbling ourselves all the time, making ourselves equal to NOTHING, and not feeling we’re owed something---this will all work to our advantage and if it works to our advantage will work to God’s advantage. If something is God’s advantage then its mine too J

The verses after the ones above go on to tell us how far Jesus went in His humbling himself.  Even to death!! Wow…how far can I go?? Till death!! “Till death to us part” says the wedding vows.  Death is the ultimate ending and sacrifice.  It’s something we won’t do for just anyone---but Jesus did---why? Not only out of obedience but Humble Obedience!! WOW!!  In dealing with each other it says, “have the same mindset of Jesus…”  If my mind isn’t on board with Jesus and humility my actions won’t be on board.  If in my thoughts I don’t think others better than me I won’t treat them as that---if in my mind I don’t think myself equal to everyone (including those who don’t like me or are against me) I won’t treat them the way Jesus treated His enemies: with love and forgiveness.  What I think about others is made evident in my treatment of them, in my way of speaking about them, in my forgiveness of them, in my investing time and money with them.  Jesus didn’t just say I love these people He showed it.  My problem in the past is I only say things and then come action time I fall short of God’s glory in this area.

I was reading a blog today about how single women can start being the Prov 31 woman in the way we serve.  Being a servant!! This isn’t just to find a husband but this is the Jesus model.  He made Himself a servant. We know this, we read this---but let’s embrace and embody it!! Not just one day but every day---quite the challenge right?? For me it is! J  But the best thing about this is this works out to my own advantage---like Jesus in me doing this others come to know God the Father.  Just like with Jesus.  In having humility be to His own advantage it meant more miracles, more open hearts, more salvations, more people knowing the Father!! God is not unjust---He won’t allow us to serve in vain. I’m sure there’s also things and blessings He has in store when we use the key of servant hood and humble obedience. 

Vs 9 says because He humbled and lowered Himself God exalted Him.  “Therefore,” I love that word.  Because He did this God did that.  Basic Bible Math!!  Why is it so hard to humble myself? Why is it so hard to change my thoughts to servant ones?? Because my flesh doesn’t want to honor God in this area---but my flesh isn’t in charge of me—the Spirit of God is—and therefore I am “more than conquerors.”

Conquer this area everyday by having the same mindset of Christ!!

Push to be a NOBODY for JESUS!

Bea Z
Generation Glory
Iglesia Cristiana Adonai

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