Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Are your actions saying "I'm READY"

Read Acts 8:26-35 NIV

We’ve all heard this story about Philip being sent by God to the Ethiopian---if not, read it the passage is above J  In reading this passage I realize the Ethiopian was Philip’s treasure and the Spirit gave Philip the clues needed to find him.  If you notice in the passage once Philip got to where the Ethiopian would be passing there had to be action on Philip’s behalf to approach the Ethiopian or address him.  Vs 29 tells us the Spirit told Philip to approach the chariot and stay near it--- even though the Spirit told him that Philip still had to speak.  Vs 30 tells us finally Philip asked him, “Do you understand what you are reading?”---then the Ethiopian replied no I need someone to explain it to me.  Here’s the thing---if Philip wouldn’t have asked, the Ethiopian wouldn’t have answered---how else would Philip have gotten onto the chariot? God calls us all to ministry, but in our answering there should be action.  It’s not like “ok, God called me here I am—do your thing God!!”  Hey, yeah He can do anything, but there needs to be action---preparation, movement, faith to do what God has called you to do!! If Philip was a man who didn’t know how to explain the Word of God or what it said—then guess what?? He was in trouble in this session!!  God was reminding me how important it is to know Biblical truths in the context of the Word.  Also, how important it is to know the whole Bible!! And to know the meanings of the Word---why?? Not everyone God sends me to is going to be an emotional mess needing to hear about God’s love---there will be people that it will be the knowledge of God that will draw them.  It will be God’s wisdom that will draw them and that wisdom will be made manifest through me!! Steven in Acts 7 impressed his enemies because of how he spoke and all he did was share the Old Testament and quoted the prophets!! 

We need to be preparing ourselves and allowing ourselves to grow in knowledge of the Spirit and Word.  We can’t put one ahead of the other---but more importantly if we want revelation we need to realize with revelation comes action!! God reveals us someone what are we going to do about it?? Philip moved and acted!! He was ready for God’s ministry for him because he showed it in his action!! 

May our actions tell God I’m ready for your calling!!


Bea Z
Generation Glory
Iglesia Cristiana Adonai
Youth/Young Adults/ Singles Pastor

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