Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Good Quote

“If you’re waiting on God for unfulfilled promises, you’re in good company; Jesus also has promises from Abba for which He’s waiting.”-Bob Sorge

This confirms something I was learning yesterday in my devotional time---Jesus is more like us on purpose.  He is the human side of the Father---the side that most relates to us. So when we face different circumstances we know and trust Jesus can represent us to the Father well. He’s not sitting at the right hand of the Father for nothing!! Psalms declares with His right hand we can rise up and move forward. Whenever the Psalms speaks of His right hand it means strength and wisdom.  And then He holds me by my right hand. And who is at the right hand?? Jesus!  So Jesus is my right hand and the Father’s right hand…interesting---when we know the hope for which we have been called we HAVE HOPE.  When we know what is what and who is who---we can call on the right person.  I need Jesus to hold me by my hand and then carry me to the Father.  Once I’m in the presence of the Father I can then go to the Father with what I know and need…and the Father who knows all things---knows what is best for me.  So next time we’re in a season of waiting and waiting—remember Jesus is also waiting on the Father.  We’re not alone!! We’re in “good company.”  The best thing we can do while in “good company” is praise and worship the “good company.”


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